Magnum Capital helps commercial real estate investors find specialized investment opportunities, bringing their clients undiscovered investment opportunities in commercial real estate Properties that are off-market, unlisted core/core-plus and value-add. Their client base for these hidden gems in commercial real estate includes Institutional investors, REITs, Life companies, Pension funds, Wealth advisors, Private equity groups, Regional and local developers and investors.
It falls under The Essentials website, with 5 pages including home, about the company, services and sub pages, past transactions and a contact page. It’s a block type design with a simplistic approach, the navigation is hidden in a side panel that you can open by clicking the navbar button. Past Transactions and the detailed pages is the major feature on this website. The client was very keen on showing a lot of details about his closed deals from the past and the rest of the website is just built around that.
Technology: Html5/ CSS3.0/ PHP/ MySQL
Platform: WordPress
Type: The Essentials Website
Past Transactions: Built-in / Custom
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