By BTS Brands
For some reason, your commercial real estate website is attracting a fewer number of prospects than expected. Something is amiss, but you just can’t put your finger on it. It’s time to step back and consider five simple strategies which can transform a tired website into one that converts.
Websites offer instant gratification, and short attention spans rule. You have just seconds to convince people that you can meet their needs before they bounce. Crisp, clear, high-quality images and concise, carefully-crafted messages can make all the difference when it comes to convincing visitors they’ve come to the right place.
People follow a predictable path from query to conversion. 1. Discover a site, 2. Evaluatewhether it meets their need (and when it does) 3. Conversion! Viola! Another new client!
However, poorly-structured sites are like cereal aisles which bombard visitors with so many choices they give up and head for the relative comfort of the toaster strudel section. You want to help them get from A (finding your stuff) to B (using your services) without jumping through hoops. Limiting choices is an easy way to facilitate faster decision making. Keeping calls to action visible and accessible on every page is a great way to make sure the conversion funnel stays clog-free. And let’s face it…no one wants to provide their phone number, social security number, and date of their last colonoscopy just to submit a website inquiry. Stop requestingunnecessary data, and you’ll drastically improve your odds of closing the deal.
Want your commercial real estate website to generate a greater quantity of clicks, phone calls, and interaction in general? AB tests (which split traffic between two versions of a site to determine which is more effective) can help you determine whether disinterest stems from “cosmetic” issues or something deeper.
Actions as simple as switching the color of a call to action button from green to red can increase click-through rates considerably! Images are other important test subjects, as they can get peoples’ attention and encourage engagement quickly. Headlines occupy valuable website real estate, so be sure they express your unique value proposition immediately. Test a single element or several… but it’s better to find out exactly what the issue is before it takes a bite out of business.
While you might see them as sappy pleas for patronage, testimonials are statistically one of the most effective ways to increase conversions.
Straightforward accounts quickly show people how a product or service can meet their needs. Video testimonials featuring well-known clients add instant validity to your site and help build trust in your brand. Avoid banishing testimonials to a separate page. Scatter them throughout your site so people are never far from the real-life account of a satisfied customer.
When it comes to ecommerce, (lack of) speed kills. If your content doesn’t load quickly, potential customers cut and run.
Optimizing images is a simple way to increase speed. Most graphics programs offer a “save for web” option which reduces image size, making loading easy without compromising quality. A web host that offers GZIP compression to reduce file size, can help you improve load times by up to 70%. Content delivery networks (CDNs) increase speed by delivering content from a server close to the user’s location.
Now that you know more about how to turn website visitors into clients, you may be wondering how to go about using this newfound knowledge. Not to worry. ML Jordan offers an array of Commercial Real Estate Marketing Services that are designed to make your marketing efforts more effective. We take over time-consuming activities like email marketing campaigns, managing social media platforms, and more, so you have can focus on new ways to grow your business.
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